Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Vocabulary Words for the week of 01/31 - 02/03

This weeks vocabulary root word is ben, bene, bon which means good, or well. The words for this week are benediction, benefactor, beneficial, beneficiary, benefit, benevolent, benign, bonafide, bonus, bon voyage

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mr. Bubble!

We had an awesome visit from Mr. Bubble today! Ask your child about it!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Need a place to put your name?

There could be a star waiting for you!!!! Find out how tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vocabulary Words for 1/17 - 1/20

Even thought we have a short week this week, that doesn't mean that we will be slacking on the vocabulary. Vocabulary test over the root cred which means believe will be on FRIDAY 1/20/12.

Words for this week are: accreditation, credential, credible, credit, creditor, credulous, creed, discredit, incredible, incredulous

Bananagram vocabulary

How do you make vocabulary fun?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Vocabulary Words for Week 1/9 - 1/13

Our root word for this week is scrib, script which means write. Our vocabulary words for this week are describe, inscription, manuscript, postscript, prescription, scribble, scribe, script, subscription, transcribe.

(noun) subscription - a written agreement to buy and read a magazine or newspaper for a set period of time

Mrs. Schoenbeck has a subscription to so many magazines, they fill up her trunk when she takes them to be recycled.

Vocabulary Words for this week 1/2 - 1/6

Our root word for this week is graph, which means writing. Our words for this week are autobiography, autograph, bibliography, biography, cartography, homograph, paragraph, phonograph, photography, seismograph.

(noun) paragraph - a section of writing that has a topic and concluding sentence

Mrs. Schoenbeck likes it when her students take their time, and write complete paragraphs.

Welcome Back!

As we start a new year, a new 9 weeks, and a new semester, I just wanted to say Welcome Back! It has been so nice being back this week.
We are half way through the school year, and the end is in sight. However, I want to remind everyone that we still have a lot of work in front of us. Remember to get those vocabulary notebooks done and turned in on time. And parents be on the look out for the new "Week in Review" documents that your student will be bring home. It will be a form filled out by them, highlighting what they have done during the week. It will also give you more information on missing assignments and behavior for the week.
As always, thank you so much for the support, and students thank you for dedication to learning :)